The name is fitting. Grunewald means "green forest" in German. Located in the southwest corner of Berlin, this park is very large and buzzing with people, dogs, runners, bikers and horses.
Location: Southwest of Berlin, Germany
Directions: From Charlottenburg, take Hohenzollemsamm Straße south to Clayalle, then go right on Pücklerstraße
Technical Level: Low
Length: Probably about 20+ miles of trails at least
Trails: Flat, dirt trails. Lots of sand and trails that have been chewed up by horse riders. No elevation to speak of
Shade: Lots of shade, but summers don't get that hot here.
Extras: Biergartens!
Fees: none
Post Ride Beer: Why have a post-ride beer? They have their own biergarten so you can grab one in the middle of the ride. I had a Hofbraü Original. In the litre glass of course.
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