If you want to mountain bike in Ventura County, then Newbury Park is the best place to start. The area is littered with trail of all sorts, you can literally ride out your back door and catch a trail only a few minutes away. And mountainous trails, not just hills. When I was there the trails were wet from massive storms so I was limited in the places that we could ride, but still had a great time. I will definitely be coming back again.

Location: West of Thousand Oaks in Ventura County, south of the 101

Directions: There are trails everywhere, but this is the start for Sycamore Canyon which is a popular area: https://maps.app.goo.gl/jPpiVgjqvc1g2mHLA 

Technical Level: Medium to high. Because of the wide variety of trails that are located there, you can pretty much choose your own adventure.

Length: About 30-40 miles of trails, for biking and hiking

Trails: Everything from jeep roads through technical rocky sections, plenty of climbing and stunning views.


Shade: Most of the trail is fairly open but the temperature is very moderate and the ocean breezes keep you cool.

Extras: none

Fees: None

Post Ride Beer: Eureka Brewing Tacos and Beer amber ale

Links: Official site: https://cosf.org/

GPS File: GPX Format - this is only one small section, check Trailforks or MTB Project



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